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Saturday, May 14, 2016


The stuffed dough is the incredibly popular dish around the world. You can find different names for it in different cuisines: Chinese wontons, Russian pelmeni, Central Asian manti, Ukrainian vareniki, Polish pierogi, and etcetera, etcetera. In school, we learned how to cook Italian ravioli which is basically stuffed pasta. My first experience in cooking ravioli was full of mistakes and therefore useful. My dough was okay, but I made the stuffing with fresh cheese which became hard during the cooking process and no juice was found inside when we tried them. Also, I exaggerated the size of my ravioli and made them giants.

Finally, I plated them in the wrong way, too. Instead of putting the tomato sauce in a separate ramekin, I poured it on a top of my fried ravioli, and, in this way, just wasted their crunchy texture. 

The good thing is my knowledge about what I should not do making ravioli. Also, I was interested to know that frying Italian Ravioli was invented by accident in Charlie Gitto's, St Louis restaurant. This is not official information, so do not judge me if I'm wrong.

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