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Saturday, May 14, 2016


Pasta has always been a wonder for me.  What makes flour and water so nutty and distinctive? In L'Ecole we made fresh pasta, and I was happy to learn how to do it. It turns out that semolina flour makes pasta hard and nutty, so we added semolina to our pasta in school.
Chef has shown us the proper way to make dough and we learned that it's needed to add eggs and water to flour but not vise versa.

The light-yellow semolina gave our dough warm color and needed hardness. Then I used a pasta machine the first time in my life and I was excited and successful. That day we were taught to cook Fresh Pasta Alfredo and our  group did great. Our pasta was al dente, firm and tender, and the sauce was rich and cheesy, so it was real Pasta Alfredo. 

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