However, it is not 100% knowledge which allows you to answer questions surely and without any multiple choice help. Therefore, I'm looking forward to work hard for many months and have lots of "mug after mug of strong dark roast" as my Chef said.
Today, I can hold a knife in my hand, hopefully, not bad, know that chicken is supposed to lay on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator, and prohibit my husband to touch food before I make a picture of it. Recently, we've had dinner in Oceano Bistro, and I was delighted by my Grilled Branzino and Daniel's Fennel Dusted Scallops:
Perfect appearance, perfect smell, and perfect taste of these dishes made me excited again " I'm going the right way. I want to do like this. I want to do better."
I absolutely agree with my Chefs in school that wrong plating can really screw up even a delicious dish, so I try now to plate any food we eat at home keeping in mind colors, temperatures, and flavors of my cookies.
Crab meat casserole and salt cabbage salad
Baked vegetables and fresh cabbage salad
( In this case to put a cold salad and hot vegetables on the same plate wasn't a good decision)
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